Saturday, December 29, 2012

Morning Announcements

Happy Saturday morning! Hope you are not snowed in like we are!

I just sent out 20 gift cards to 20 lucky readers on my mailing list. If that sounds awesome to you, sign up for my mailing list to have a shot at future giveaways.

In other news...

My post on One Handed Writers got some love this week--some other sites linked to it which was a pleasant surprise. If you're a writer whose always chafed (like I did!) at the advice to 'write and then write some more' I have some insight on what that actually means.

The rough draft of my novella, Demon of Her Dreams is done. I finished it before Christmas and will start final edits in early January.

While Demon of Her Dreams marinates, I've been working on another novella, this one with vampires. It has been an unruly beast, refusing to stay short and insisting on being a quite long novella in length. The plan is to release it in two parts, just to make the work load more manageable. (It may actually end up being a short novel at this rate, which...yikes! I started out just wanting to make a personal pan pizza and somehow now I'm cooking for the football team. Or something like that anyway. I  haven't had my caffeine yet!)

Once the rough draft of vampire novella part two is written, I will return to werewolves. I have a short story in mind for Chloe and Jackson who first appeared in Make Her Howl and the germ of a longer project. So for those readers who found me because of my werewolves, there's more to come.

1 comment:

  1. So happy and excited to hear that there will be a second part to Blood Rush and that you plan on writing about Chloe and Jackson. Big fan of all your books which I've read, you are a wonderful writer.
